Mehmet Kayhan born on April 5, 1932 in Taşkent. He completed primary school in Konya at Ulu Irmak and Necati Bey primary schools. He graduated from the Konya Art Institute Modeling Department in 1950.
His first project was the tile model and mould he made on October 29, 1950. In addition to the model workshop, he worked briefly in Ankara State Production Farms Central Workshop and Nefaa. After completing his military service as a Reserve Officer, he returned to Konya and laid the foundations of Kayahan A.Ş.
It produced the first workshop-type press in 1951. He entrusted the workshop to his brothers and father between 1960 and 1964 and studied mechanical engineering in Germany.
Today, KAYAHAN is the largest hydraulic cylinder manufacturing company in Turkey in terms of being able to simulate the most significant product dimensions. Having the honing capacity of 3 m bore to 23 m stroke, all end-to-end production processes, except for the heat treatment, such as hard chrome plating, honing, deep hole drilling and welding, are executed in-house. The company operates in 73.000 m2, of which 33.000 m2 is closed.
Mehmet Kayhan, who is married and has four children, speaks German.

Founded the Kayahan
In 1951, he produced the first workshop-type press. In time, this workshop turned into a business where the special machines were repaired, and then, by changing its place in the 1960s, it became a workshop that replaced truck engines from front to rear. Some agricultural machines have also been designed and manufactured here.
In the 1970s, KAYAHAN was a well-known producer with 20 years of experience in hydraulics. Manufacturing based on customer demands resulted in a wide range of products throughout the years; production of hydraulic presses, hydraulic pumps, steel constructions, metal poles, welding roles, etc., were carried out.
KAYAHAN is the first company in Turkey to produce workshop-type press in mass production. Until 2000, around 10.000 pieces of special-purpose or workshop-type hydraulic presses were produced in KAYAHAN.

Started Production of Hydraulic Cylinders for iron & steel industry in Turkey
In 1975, KONSANTAŞ Konya Casting Machinery Industry and Trading Co. joined the business structure, and the first step of becoming KAYAHAN Group was taken. With this step, casting became one of the capabilities of KAYAHAN Group. KAYAHAN was the first company to cast and process the water and fire valves. Kayahan has reached a production capacity of over 10.000 valves per year with variable dimensions between 60 mm and 500 mm.
In the 1980s, 180 tons of Cast Iron and 250 tons of Slag ladder carriers were produced for the first time in Turkey by KAYAHAN for Turkey’s biggest iron and steel enterprises, ISDEMİR and ERDEMİR.
This way, KAYAHAN has stepped into a new industry. In the 1980s, KAYAHAN started to produce cooling rollers for the steel industry for the first time in Turkey, and the production continued until the late 1990s.